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Licensed By: Nu-Nations Unity™ |
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The need for an extended Universal Lunch Program will become the trend for the future in Canada, due to our changing economy and global awareness towards environmental conservation issues. There is no question as to how many children could benefit from a Universal Lunch Program, because existing studies have proven that 1 in 5 children within the public school system go to school either hungry (without breakfast) or without lunch. Whether parents choose to use a Lunch Program for convenience purposes or for global conservation reasons, the results will benefit the whole Nation, because children who have an adequate food supply available to them at all times, show better behavioral demeanor and increase study abilities. In addition too, many National and local enivornmental issues will be dealt with on a social scale, that will affect all our communities on a positive level. |
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VITAMIN A is a anti-infection vitamin that has a special relationship to the lining cells of the body which helps to keep the skin, eyes, urinary tract, glandular system, respiratory tract, teeth, bones and the digestive system healthy. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to a malnutrition of the eyes and appurtenant tissues which can make it difficult to see well under un-normal conditions, as in night vision. Bright lights are often times difficult to tolerate and itching, burning, and dryness of the eyes can result under this condition which is a form of eye strain. Middle ear infections can also be attributed to a lack of Vitamin A, as well as mouth and throat infections because of a degeneration that takes place which makes it easier for bacteria to take hold and cause infection. Teeth will have a tendency to decay much quicker because tooth enamel becomes defective and weakened. Nursing Mothers require adequate amounts of Vitamin A otherwise they will produce insufficient milk for their nursing babies, and to avoid a increase of colds, bronchitis, sinus infections and pneumonia Vitamin A should always be in the daily diet. Finally, studies have indicated that a lack of this very important vitamin in the male can produce sterility due to atrophy of the testes. Vitamin A can be found in many fresh foods such as carrots and especially in juice form, as well as in parsley, spinach, kale, turnips greens, broccoli, beets greens, lettuce, cabbage, watercress, peaches, peas, apricots, beans, papayas, sweet potatoes, dried prunes, asparagus, sweet corn, oranges, cantaloupes, pecans, chicken, egg yolks, cheese, whole milk and butter. |
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VITAMIN C in it's natural state has been proven to heal the body, and in animal testing where a Vitamin C deficiency was known it was shown that synthetic ascorbic acid when produced in laboratories is ineffective in treating illness. Vitamin C in it's highest natural state can be found in the Acerola Cherry and even though the cherry itself is hard to find, they are available in juice form or wafer form in supermarkets. Reds peppers, guava fruit, hot green peppers, sweet red peppers and black currants are all excellent sources of this absolutely necessary vitamin. Parsley, kale leaves, collard leaves, orange peel, turnip greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, raw horse-radish, watercress, cauliflower as well as many other fruit and vegetables all have vitamin C. A surprising thought is tomatoes really don't have much that vitamin C content, however tomatoes are high in Potassium with it being 360 mg to 100 grams consumed. Deficiencies in Vitamin C are bleeding gums, and also having a tendency to bruise easily or to experience profuse bleeding from minor cuts on the skin. Bones will develop poorly in children and cartilage will be weak, and muscles will also degenerate and become weakened. Anemia can appear in some cases of deficiency, with the body becoming susceptible to being more vulnerable to infections such as colds, skin lesions, respiratory infections and general health concerns. An important component in Vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen which is a protective substance that constitutes about 40% of the total body's protein, that holds cells within the body together in a natural and healthy way, so that body tissues can resist penetration of invading infections. Vitamin C is a very important vitamin and one that needs to be taken daily in order to ensure proper health, growth and body tissues. |
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B12 is a vitamin that assists the nervous system and blood-forming organs of the bone marrow, and because Vitamin B12 has cobalt in it, bone marrow can function properly thus preventing anemia. Zinc is also associated with this vitamin which helps to heal the body by the aiding in the formation of hemoglobin. Vitamin B12 regulates the sexual characteristics of an individual by supplying adequate amounts of cobalamin into the daily diet, thus ensuring proper the development and functions of sex hormones in the body of males or females. Foods most high in cobalamin are mainly liver, kidney, muscle meats, oysters, milk, eggs, cheese and salt water fish. Only a few vegetables have small traces of cobalamin in them and they are yeast, wheat germ and soybeans. |
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VITAMIN B6 has been shown to be very important for proper functioning of the pancreas. Diabetes may result if the pancreas sustains damage so that it cannot produce insulin, the hormone necessary for converting sugar (glucose) into energy. Also, this vitamin is of great value in preventing tooth decay, maintaining the tone of the muscles in the body and heart, aiding in relaxing the nervous system so that nervousness is decreased, and in maintaining normal blood count with an ample amount of hemoglobin. Signs of deficiencies are tension, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, stiffness of the legs, palsy or trembling of limbs (known as Parkinson's disease), excessively oily skin, painful skin or mouth lesions, possible mental depression, and dizziness or nausea especially in pregnant women. Magnesium is a helper mineral that must be taken with Vitamin B6 otherwise the body will not absorb the Vitamin B6, and it will be render useless. Whole grains, rice, nuts, bananas, leafy vegetables, asparagus, squash, beets, parsley, spinach, lettuce, and sea vegetation such as kelp or dulse are all good sources of Manganese, and should be eaten with foods such as liver, kidney, corn oil, brewer's yeast, honey, egg yolk, cabbage, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads and fish because these foods are he ones that have Vitamin B6 in them. |
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Vitamin B2 is also known as riboflavin and is a very important factor in the growth and development of the body and rejuvenation of the skin. Combined with Vitamin A B2 works in preventing and correcting cataracts, as well as ensuring that the hair, skin and eyes all stay healthy. Vitamin B2 also helps to absorb the nourishments of iron and protein, and an important chemical function of this vitamin is to break down starches and sugars into energy, which makes the body resist infectious diseases better. Deficiencies in B2 may cause inflammation of the membrane of the eyes and eyelids (conjunctivitis), lips that can become sore, red, cracked, peeled and especially at the mouth corners. Dimness of vision in poor light or at a distance is another sign of deficiency, and if left untreated the cornea may become bloodshot and inflamed. Muscular weakness, skin problems, lack of appetite, possible recurrent middle ear infections, and the inability to gain weight or loss of weight are all signs of deficiency when the body is not receiving enough Vitamin B2 into the diet. Food sources of B2 are found in calf liver, and other glandular meats, and in sizeable servings of broccoli, raw collards, and in leafy green vegetables, with the outer leaves of lettuce and cabbage containing at least five times as much of Vitamin B2 as the inside leaves. Finally, turnips, beets, wheat germ, peanuts, blueberries, dried prunes, cheese, eggs, apples, coconuts, watercress, grapefruits, carrots, whole milk, whole wheat bread, fish and poultry are also good sources to supplement the diet with Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). |
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VITAMIN F is known as the unsaturated fatty acids which promote growth by providing the body with the most concentrated form of energy. Regular consumption of VITAMIN F is considered valuable in the prevention of high cholesterol build-ups in the arteries, and in protecting the nerves and muscles by lining a thin padding of fat directly under the skin, which serves as a cushion to outside stimulation, such as changes of temperature or trauma. Without fatty acids in the diet the body can suffer from emaciation, kidney disorders, difficulty in healing large and minor wounds, severe skin rashes, infertility and shortening of the life span. Several good sources of unsaturated fatty acids are peanut oil, olive oil, all vegetable oils, butter, cream, egg yolk, nuts, avocado, fish-liver oil, fish fat and animal fat. |
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NIACIN is part of the Vitamin B group and is known as B3, and is a helper vitamin in converting carbohydrates (sugars and starches) into energy. Niacin works with the proteins and amino acids in the stomach to maintain good body and digestive health and mental alertness, and because it acts as a antioxidant within cells it can destroy cell-damaging free radicals. An excellent source high in natural Niacin is found in the peanut, with Brewer's Yeast or raw beef liver next in line for vitamin potency. Other natural foods high in this essential vitamin are mushrooms, kelp, pine nuts, brown rice, almonds, acerola cherry, mature green peas, wheat germ, whole barley, beef steak, whole bran, whole buckwheat, dates, whole milk, buttermilk, kale, potatoes, eggs, fresh soybeans, lentils, and millet,. Natural Niacin (or nicotinic acid) is slightly different than niacinamide, and therefore natural sources of niacin should be consumed first in the foods we eat, before we try to supplement this vitamin with a substitute. Symptoms of deficiencies of niacin are: pellage, a skin disease (dermatitis), ulcers in the mouth (cheek and lips), mental depression that can lead to acting out on fear, apprehension, or confusion, and lack of motivation to carry out daily activities. Other symptoms are insomnia, indigestion, nervousness, irritability, loss of appetite, weight and strength, dizziness and headaches. Eating foods with Niacin daily aids in keeping the skin healthy by increasing body circulation and reducing high blood pressure, as Niacin acts as a mild growth hormone releaser which promotes relaxation in a individual who is receiving enough natural niacin in the foods they eat. |
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VITAMIN E is one of the most important vitamins that the human body requires from gestation, to birth and through ones life in order for the body to function properly. The E Vitamin maintains normal red blood cells, and it is considered vital for proper functioning of the reproductive organs, and without an adequate amount of this vitamin in the body, it can produce sterility in males and cause miscarriages in females. Infants who are fed cow's milk over that of breast milk, have shown signs of abnormalities in their blood, because human milk has two to four times greater amounts of Vitamin E than cow's milk alone. What this vitamin can do is attach itself to the fat in the body so that it can be more readily oxidized and converted into energy, and that is why bread and butter go so well together because the Vitamin E in bread helps to convert the butter-fat into energy, which prevents many conditions that can cause illness. Vitamin E will also help to protect the body generally from infection and will even extend to viruses by having the inherent ability to supply oxygen to body cells, thus assisting in the metabolism, by nourishing the cells so that they can fight off an attacking virus. Due to the fact that Vitamin E is a tissue builder, it helps in cases of diabetes, heart disorders, high blood pressure, and it also has the ability to normalize most body and glandular functions, including the pancreas. When adults or children don't receive enough Vitamin E, symptoms of a deficiency can be headaches, nervousness, irritability and fatigue. So, food groups that supply this essential vitamin are whole grain cereals, brown rice, barley, rye, wheat germ, rice germ, various green leaves of vegetables, nuts and legumes, such as beans, lentils and peas, and egg yolk. Then of course there are plants oils such as corn oil, cottonseed oil and wheat germ oils. Sadly, with today's food processing industry many of our foods and food supplements are lacking this very important vitamin, so that is another reason why it is so necessary to encourage our youth to eat a healthy and well balanced diet of a variety of fresh foods from the vegetable, grain and nut category. |
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MINERAL POTASSIUM works like Vitamin E in the sense that it helps to heal the body, and repair tissue and tissue damage. Our livers depend on 'potassium' so that a stimulation can occur which then activates a chemical balance within our bodies. "This mineral called potassium, converts sugar into energy or into body starch (glycogen) that our body holds in storage for future energy needs". Potassium helps to relieve pain, prevents constipation and assists tissues to retain their elasticity, and without adequate potassium the body suffers and can show signs of: liver ailments, constipation, slow healing, swelling (edema), and tissue damage because sodium will enter the tissue cells and take water with it, pimpling of the skin, and in extreme cases, actual paralysis of muscles can happen, simply because potassium is vital for muscle contractions. Good sources for maintaining potassium in a daily diet are beans, potatoes, raisins, spinach, DATES (a favourite), asparagus, carrots, lettuce and tomatoes too, peaches when their sweet, and sea plants. Also, lets not forget the banana which has about 260 mg of potassium for every 100 grams eaten (3 and a half ounces avoirdupois, equalling about the size of a cup depending on the weight of food we are talking about), which is the perfect example of a good and healthy snack for growing children that provides them with potassium if they eat a banana a day. |
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MAGICAL LEMON is truly just that, "MAGICAL". As a natural antiseptic, the juice of a lemon will destroy a number of harmful bacteria that make their home in cuts and other areas of infections. "Real Lemon Juice" can be used for skin problems such as acne, eczema and erysipelas (a skin disease caused by a form of bacteria), by just applying this MAGICAL JUICE directly to areas of discomfort and left on to dry. With repeated use, a natural cleansing and healing occurs, and in extreme cases were boils or carbuncle (gangrenous tumor) exist, a lemon which has been heated in a oven and then sliced to were the smaller portion can be placed directly over the infected site for at least one hour, a destruction of bacteria should result. After that hour, remove the all dressings and poisons and clean with a warm water solution of diluted lemon juice. Lemon Juice is also good to apply to wrinkles, and should be remove after a few hours with a water wash, and when the skin is dry apply a little coconut or olive oil to skin. Lemon Juice is also good if you're concerned about freckles (tan spots), because the Lemon is a natural bleaching agent, and can even be used on hair for those who want to "sport" highlights when the sun don't shine. For those who want to sparkle up their smiles, use the inside of the lemon rind on your teeth, and cold sores on the mouth can be treated with a dab of Lemon Juice too to speed up the healing process. Dandruff is another pest that can be treated by applying this NATURAL POTION of Lemon Juice directly onto the scalp, and then combing it in with scratching motion. After about 30 to 60 minutes, wash hair as usual and repeat every second day until dandruff is completely gone and the scalp re-regulates itself. Lemon Juice is good also to use on Poison Oak or Ivy, insect bites, or sore redden hands or feet, with the same basic rule of olive oil, coconut oil or vaseline being applied to those areas for soothing comfort after they have been rinsed off with warm water and left to dry slightly. Finally, this goes without saying, but everybody knows the "Magic of Lemon Juice" when taken in large quantities helps to ward off colds, fevers, headaches, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, pneumonia, and even liver ailments, to only name a few because Vitamin C is a main factor in helping to correct many vitamin deficiencies. It can also help to reduce obesity if half a lemon in 1 cup of warm water is drank in the morning before breakfast, because what this does is assists the body in the digestion of food which helps to break up or prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits. In addition too, nature has provided a natural way of protecting us from coughs that upset our days and make children miserable, by introducing Lemon into our diets. Here we have the opportunity to take equal parts of Lemon Juice with either honey or glycerine, (or perhaps a little sugar if you dare), every two hours in the amount of a tablespoon at a time. This will usually relieve cough symptoms for all of us, from tall to small. So, there you have it, and who ever said the Lemon was just a sour fruit? |
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MINERAL CALCIUM is a topic that we can talk about for along time, but one thing is for sure is, WE NEED IT! Everybody knows that Calcium helps to build and maintain bones and teeth, but did you know that it helps to heal the body too, because calcium offsets the effect of acid, thus promoting the healing of wounds. Calcium also builds muscles and helps to maintain the workings of the heart, and it will also prevent excessive bleeding because it coagulates the blood. If you're wondering were you can get an extra boost of calcium in your diet, it's right there with our favorite food group called the DATE, and of course in figs, celery, broccoli, rutabagas, raisins (78 mg), kale (105 gm) which is a hardy green leaf easy to dehydrate. Chickpeas cooked up with some East Indian spice, holds about 92 mg. of Calcium, per 100 grams, and children love them. Then there is PARSLEY which is simply easy to use all year round in salads of all kinds, soups, stews, or sprinkled fresh on steamed veggies (about 193 mg. of calcium and 80 mg. of potassium is what your body will get for every 100 grams of parsley eaten, so just imagine all the possibilities). Others Calcium food sources from the leafy vegetable family are beet greens (118 mg.), collards greens (which are best frozen) and have almost the same amount of calcium as turnip greens (249 mgs.), and then there is the faithful Dandelion Greens (without pesticides). Almonds is another favorite which contain about 254 mg of calcium, and can be used in cookies, cakes, or muffins as well as with cooked chicken. Remember too, the more we eat "sea vegetation" for that tasty flavor we called salt, the better we provide our bodies with essential minerals, and calcium is one of them. So, kelp and 'dulse', are on the menu to put on some ritz with an outstanding 1093 mg plus of Calcium after consuming 100 grams of this faithful sea salt over a period of time. However, for everything we eat that has Calcium, the body does not absorb the full amount of Calcium that we think we are getting. Like for example, Tofu Firm with calcium has about 261 mg. of this precious mineral per half cup we eat, but our bodies only absorb about 80 mg., and if you like Bok Choy and eat a cup of that, your body will only receive 85 mg. of Calcium out of 158 mg. total. So, it is fair to say that this lack of full calcium absorption is natures way of protecting our bodies from an over dose of Calcium, because to much is not good either. So, when you eat something think twice as to how much Calcium you are really getting, compared to what you think you might be. Finally, others food sources like canned Salmon and Sardines, Sesame seeds, Blackstrap Molasses, (1 tablespoon equals 200mg.), and Maple Syrup, are also good food groups to be keep in mind, when we are considering a healthy Lunch Program for children. |
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Food and Nutrition Reference
Landfill References |
Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seed for Healthful Living. (Copyrighted in 1973) |
Nu-Nations Unity™ |