Nu-Nations Unity™ @ The Beach




2005 / Some of MamaGee's Sons!!*&^@

Shout Outs Founding Director!!

In conclusion, on behalf of NU Foundation For Community Partnerships this proposal package is being submitted to the City Of Surrey and City Councilors in request for extended hours of operations, for the purpose of promoting and carrying on charity fund raising events.

Based on the above information provided, the issue of food insecurity within communities is a growing concern for not only individuals and families, but also for community service providers in all areas of social services whether it’s in direct food distribution in the form of Food Banks, or in dealing with youth a risk to facing homelessness and/or adults that often times result in long term drug addiction for either persons.

Consequently, several local Entertainment outlets have already shown an interest in participating with this pilot project as their show of concern and support for their surrounding community and towards the youth within the community who are at risk to experience food insecurity on a regular basis. By agreeing and becoming involved within the Nu-Nations Unity™ After Hours Community Celebration all participating Host Entertainment Vendors are helping to support their local lunch and/or school meal snack programs. In addition, they are contributing much needed revenue towards other related community service providers who work in conjunction with all food related concerns, and/or other related areas that affect persons adversely as a one step preventative measure to begin reversing the spread of hunger, drug addiction, criminal activity and all other on going hunger related concerns in the community.

In addition, this proposal package is the first beginning stages of implementing a long term strategy towards alleviating some of the financial burdens being experienced by existing Organizations who operate in the area of relief services or in the area of social services, while taking care to not hinder their well established fund raising efforts in the form of repeating their initiatives. It is important for NU Foundation For Community Partnerships to be seen as it’s own entity that has the freedom to carry out community fundraising charity events in our effort to invite all community members to participate in the building of a Universal Lunch Program concept and including bringing further awareness towards issues that directly deal with homelessness and/or drug addiction.

Please note: many individuals and groups of people over the years have been very helpful through the offering of assistance, and/or for providing opportunities to NU Foundation For Community Partnerships to be in a position to be able to promote and further educate the public on the importance of securing a Universal Lunch Program across the Province. As times change, so has the general consensus in relation to how a community is coming together to ensure that all children are taken care of, and it’s been through this growing process that the Foundation has been able to carry on with the promotion of our mandate one day at a time, one person at a time.

One final note of importance relates to a capping of a decision that needs to be determined in the year of 2005 in relation to Nu-Nations Unity™ and the Foundation’s mandate as a whole, and how it applies to the Federal application in regards to all aspects of the trademark name, as it was in December of 2000 when a small hand full of people came together on behalf of the children of British Columbia and Canada, and we proceeded to move forward with the intent of securing a Universal Lunch Program to all children within all communities, in addition to securing regular funding strategies for the purpose of alleviating communal hunger in general. Thus, approval of this pilot project would further secure future charity fund raising opportunities and events on behalf of establishing reliable financial and otherwise solutions towards a growing short and long term universal lunch program objective. Everything else is gravy.

Yo!... Kats GeeMama!

The Beach is MamaGee's Sandbox !@$@!*)"

We at NU Foundation For Community Partnerships are all grateful for those individuals who have taken the time to read and consider this proposal and we hope that you find the information and proposed objectives valuable when applying towards solutions that can help to alleviate food insecurity concerns within our communities, and including assisting Organizations in their independent efforts to help families, children and youth.

Just posing!!

In closing with thanks and understanding, NU Foundation For Community Partnerships is proud to speak on behalf of the children in our communities and Province, and we look forward to moving ahead with our plans to enhance and/or to support children’s lunch programs, youth programs and/or developing new programs that can provide extra opportunities for families and for their children, in addition to, all persons within the community as a whole.

Enclosed are estimates and future financial prospects in the event of this proposal being passed, as our first step forward towards creating and implementing a National Educational Movement that helps to address on going hunger, and other food insecurity concerns in our communities.

All information regarding this pilot project has been forwarded to the said School Districts via to the Secretary Treasures & Assistant Superintendents and all interested parties, for the purpose of developing and creating a Nu-Nations Unity™ Union Of School Districts in the event of this pilot project becoming a Provincial program.

Surrey School District #36
Total Number of Students 60,000 / 2,200 Students have access to subsidized lunch

Has 100 Elementary schools: 16 have subsidized lunch programs, 1 Breakfast Program
Has 18 Secondary schools: 3 have subsidized lunch programs, 1 Breakfast Supplement Program

# of schools having lunch program in 2000 –
# of schools having breakfast program –
# of schools having lunch program in 2004 – 19
# of schools having breakfast program – 2

Provincial funding for School Meal Program has remained the same since 1995

Hey, Hey! It's a Recruitment: Calling All Gee's Kids!!
New Westminster School District #40
Total Number of Students approx 6000 / approx 200 Students have access to subsidized lunch

Has 9 Elementary schools: 2 have subsidized lunch programs.
Has 2 Middle schools: 0 lunch program
Has 1 Secondary school: 0 lunch program
Has Breakfast Program: 0 schools

# of schools having lunch program in 2000 – 2
# of schools having lunch program in 2004 – 2 In House
# of schools having lunch program in 2005 – projected for 4 schools (In House)

Funding has remained the same since 1995

Thank You To Our Volunteers!!

Ting! Ting!!

Burnaby School District #41
Total Number of Students 24,000 / approx. 2400 Students have access to subsidized lunch

Has 39 Elementary schools: 12 have subsidized lunch programs.
Has 7 Secondary schools: 0 having subsidized lunch programs.
Has Breakfast program: 0 schools

# of schools having lunch program in 2000 – 12
# of schools having lunch program in 2004 – 12

Funding has remained the same since 1995

Vancouver School District #39
Total Number of Students 59,000 / approx 7000 Students have access to subsidized lunch

Has 91 Elementary schools: 26 have subsidized lunch programs.
Has 18 Secondary schools: 3 have subsidized lunch programs.
Has Breakfast Program: 0 schools

# of schools having lunch program in 2000 – 30
# of schools having lunch program in 2004 – 29

Funding has remained the same since 1995



















Delta School District #37 Total Number of Students 17,000 / 0 Students have access to subsidized lunch

Has no lunch program or a subsidized lunch program.
Has Breakfast Program: 0 schools

# of schools having lunch program in 2000 – 0
# of schools having lunch program in 2004 – 0

No available funding for lunch program.

Cute Critter!

@ Play When MamaGee Away!

Surrey Food Bank 10732-135 th St. Surrey, BC. V3T-4C7
Ph.# (604)-581-5443
Fax# (604)-588-8697

Provides food relief service for: Surrey & Delta, BC

# of recipients who relied on food relief services in 2000 – 10,000 individuals per month
# of recipients who rely on food relief services in 2004 – 14,000 individuals per month
# of children who rely on food relief services in 2004 – 6160 children @ 44% of total recipient population.

Estimated need for food relief services: 10% increase per year over the next five years.

2 Cute Critters Movin!!

More Cute Critters Groovin!

It's A Nu-Nations Unity™ Nature Movement!!^^$%#!*_+~

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Copyright 2006