Nu-Nations Unity(TM) Block Sponsorship |
2005 |

with DJ TJ/ July 09/2005 |

Rylee Staying True!! |
some more Info.......  |
Section B : Additional Information Of Relevance
Under section B. of this proposal, information provided allows the reader to correlate the essential services
provided by Government as a fixed asset, while the downsizing of services could and can pose a future possible risk towards ensuring that reliable
food source alternatives in the form of a lunch program, snack or breakfast program on school sites is being met.
Currently, all existing school meal programs for those schools that do provide a lunch
or breakfast program struggle to maintain their status quo, while community support is
limited and/or non-existent in many cases due to lack of reliable funding
options and/or donations. Consequently, if regular funding to school Districts fluctuate,
so does the predictability in implementing a permanent solution towards
addressing the total food needs of the students and staff of a school and
therefore, an added financial method of subsidizing school meal programs and/or restoring on-site cooking facilities, or providing school
restoration is an appropriate manner to helping to alleviate any disturbances that a school District may face in the future upon taking on the task
of securing a Universal Lunch Program in their area.
B. Problems facing School Districts across the Province can also be
applied across the country, as there is no fixed universal concept when it relates to feeding school age children & youth today as a
means to address child hunger and food insecurity concerns within all communities.
.....1. Children and youth having to cope with an inadequate
food supply on a monthly basis.
...........a) Food insecurity can result in poor learning and in
some cases, behavioral and/or social problems.
...........b) 1 out of 5 children are known to go to school either
hungry without a breakfast and/or without a lunch, and considering
.............that this statistic hasn’t changed in over 10 years, it’s quite possible that 2 in 5
children go to school hungry without
.............having a breakfast, and/or without a lunch.
....2.The downsizing of classrooms, and/or cooking facilities (eg. school kitchens) on school sites, present new issues where
........core subjects in the area of trades, music, art, and/or in
the event of a kitchen being downsized that affects a school meal
.........program are all subject to erosion, that ultimately takes away from the public learning
experience and environment.
..........a) Learning opportunities become limited due to the downsizing of any or, all core subjects.
..........b) Downsizing of kitchens produce a false impression of
food security on school sites, and fails to address the growing
..............importance to secure a Universal Lunch Program across the Province.
....3. Vandalism is a major concern for all School Districts across the Province.
..........a) Surrey School District has had to spend approximately $632,000.00 for one year on graffiti removal, window repairs, and
..............other school maintenance repairs resulting from direct vandalism.
4. Approximately 55% Province wide, or up to 70% of all
schools within individual school Districts have inadequate, and/or no sprinkler
systems in place in the event of a school fire.
a) Out of approx. 118 schools in Surrey, 65 schools have
no sprinkler system on the property based on the above 55% average.
b) In Vancouver, based on the 70% average approximately
72 schools out of the 109 public learning structures do not have any type of
sprinkler system, as a safe guard to prevent the spread of fire on their
c) The cost of fitting 1 (one) school with a proper
sprinkler system is $100,000.00.
d) Based on estimated projections, most School Districts are only capable of adding 1 sprinkler system to 1 school per
year, due to lacking of Provincial and Municipal funding.
5. On average schools lacking proper sprinklers systems also fall short on their
ability to have structural earthquake readiness, where in this case these particular physical
structures demand school restoration and including, proper
sprinkler installation for the protection of children in the event of
any natural disaster. |
Public Education! Hey! Hey!! |
a) Example of the seriousness of this concern is the reminder of an earthquake that happened in 1946 with
a 7.3 magnitude in the Courtenay- Comox area where damage to 30 out
of 31 schools occurred, with major damage to a roof that collapsed at Courtenay Elementary School which resulted in building materials falling into a
grade 8 classroom that held up to 60 students. Fortunately, there was no school on this day. |
6. Example of several Schools Districts in general
who have had to face funding cut backs since May 2002.
.......a) Total funding short fall for a 3 year period is approximately $300 million Province wide.
.......b) Examples of funding shortfalls: Burnaby $7.5 million short fall;
Alberni $2 million short fall; Coquitlam $6.9 million
............short fall; Langley $6.9 million short fall; Vancouver
25.5 million short fall; Nanaimo - Ladysmith $7 million short fall;
............Prince George $9.2 million short fall; New
Westminster $2.3 million short fall; North Vancouver $6.7 million short fall;
............Richmond $9.6 million short fall; Sooke $3
million short fall; Saanich $1.5 million short fall;
7. Province wide effect which has resulted from educational funding cutbacks to the public educational system have been
numerous, and multi faucet.
.......a) Workers mostly affected by funding short falls are: classroom teachers, ESL
teachers, librarians, counselors,
............janitorial positions, crossing guards,
special needs assistance teachers, Curriculum experts, grounds keep
............and resource staff, speech pathologists, multicultural and outreach youth workers,
trade teachers;
.......b) School programs mostly affected by funding short falls have been in the area of
school Districts having to face
............over crowding of classrooms, cuts to supplies,
bus routes and career programs, night school programs, gifted
............programs and/or music programs, meal school programs, young adult career programs, trade
.......c) Adult unemployment adversely affects youth
employment opportunities.

8. Approximate current percentage of funding formula used
by Provincial Government to manage provincial expenditures, and including
in the area of all public educational needs within the Province of
British Columbia, Canada.
a) Approx. 25% of budget goes towards
b) Approx. 41 % of provincial budget goes towards healthcare.
c) Approx. 34% of remaining budget is divided between social
assistance, children and family services, and the provincial deficit
in the form of paying off the interest, and including transportation
MamaGee thinkin she's a bag of chips!! |